The King of Kings

The following is the unedited climax to the Reverend Dr. Shadrach Meshach Lockridge’s “Seven Way King” sermon. It is also known as “King of Kings,” “My King” and “I Wonder, Do You Know Him?

There have been many homages to this sermon created by editing and setting it to music. I have found great inspiration in these artistic presentations and I listen to one version or another at least once a day. The words center me and often prepare me for a hard days work or a difficult conversation. I am grateful that the Reverend Doctor Lockridge had the words to express this message. I have heard rap versions, contemporary versions, gospel versions, but I have always wanted to hear the original words… the inflection and tone, the response of the congregation and his reply. It is truly a thing of beauty and more importantly a POWERFUL message that we should all have the opportunity to hear in it’s original form.

~ by ddub74 on 10 August 2008.

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