COR Leadership Institute 2008

How blessed I am to be part of such a wonderful faith community. Over the last several days I have volunteered at my church’s Leadership Institute. Over 1600 pastors and lay-people from around 500 different churches across the country converged on our campus to share in the Institute. I can’t tell you how many times I’ve been thanked for being there and serving, but truth be told I am the one who has been blessed. In the process, I hope I have blessed many of the delegates and presenters. This evening’s session culminated in a candlelighting. We do this every year on Christmas Eve, and it’s my favorite service of the year. Sharing this beautiful and spiritual moment with so many who have not experienced it on such a large scale was truly awe inspiring. Although it doesn’t do the scene justice, here is a picture I snapped once the Sanctuary was lit by only 1600 candles.

COR Leadership Institute 2008 Candlelight Service

COR Leadership Institute 2008 Candlelight Service

~ by ddub74 on 3 October 2008.

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