‘Tis the Season to be Giving (Thanks)

I saw a story on the news this evening that struck me as a compelling illustration of the selfless heart of a child. Brenden was about eight or ten years old. He was recently diagnosed with an incurable disease and given a very short prognosis. On the way home from the hospital, Brenden noticed a group of homeless people, huddled against the cold, perfectly still, some standing, some sitting, but all clearly miserable. Brenden made a simple observation that in an instant started a mini-movement; a mobilization of friends, family, neighbors and even perfect strangers.

“They might be hungry.”

That was it. That was all he said. His mother went to the grocery store, picked up some items, prepared some sack lunches and then delivered them to the unfortunate group that they had seen earlier that day on the drive home.

“They might be hungry.”

The words echoed throughout their community and eventually beyond. Brenden was given a remaining life span measured in days, yet his thoughts were not for himself, but for those who were without the basic dignities that are the right of all humans. He did not complain that he was in pain or that he wouldn’t have the opportunity to grow up, finish his education, have a career and a family of his own. No, Brenden chose to focus on something else.

“They might be hungry.”

In short order a grass-roots campaign rallied around Brenden’s words and worked to feed the homeless. They raised food contributions and over $50,000 for the cause. Sack lunches are delivered, each with the dedication ‘Love, Brenden’ written in marker on the outside. The campaign has grown to feed more than the original few that Brenden and his mom encountered on the way home from the hospital.

“They might be hungry.”

Brenden died on Friday. He left the world a more brave and compassionate child than most of us ever become as adults. In a final interview just before he passed, Brenden said in a frail voice, too weak even to open his eyes, “‘Tis the Season to be Giving.” Indeed, it is the Season to be Giving, but I add to that, this holiday week a sentiment that I hope will last in my heart year round. ‘Tis the Season to be Giving Thanks.’ This week as you gather with your families and give thanks for the bounty that we have, take a moment to remember Brenden… better yet take a moment to act. Give to your local soup kitchen, pantry or homeless shelter. Donate to Harvesters while you are at the grocery store picking up items for your own Thanksgiving dinner. Donate to your church’s food mission. Next time you see a bell ringer in front of a retail store, drop whatever you can into their red bucket. Volunteer at a homeless outreach. Find a way to honor a dying young boy’s selflessness and concern for others over himself. Above all, remember Brenden’s words “‘Tis the Season to be Giving.”

~ by ddub74 on 25 November 2008.

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