When Christians Get It Wrong – Pt. 1

When Christians are UnChristian – Hypocrisy

The word hypocrisy derives from the Greekὑπόκρισις (hypokrisis), which means “play-acting”, “acting out”, “feigning” or “pretending.”

This weekend The United Methodist Church of the Resurrection began it’s latest series, “When Christians Get It Wrong.” There has been a long time trend that young people between the ages of 16 and 29 have turned away from religion. This is not surprising to me as I was one that did just that. I shunned organized religion from the time I was 13 or 14 (maybe even earlier) until 32. I understand the grievances that many in this age range have. I couldn’t reconcile the discrepancies between what most Christians say and what they actually do.

In this weekend’s sermon, Senior Pastor Adam Hamilton addresses the causes of this perception and the realities that perpetuate it. Notably, he makes the observation that we are in fact all Hypocrites, some in large or small ways, but all nonetheless.

Ghandi once said of Christianity, “I like your Christ, I do not like your Christians. Your Christians are so unlike your Christ.”

The problem is in motivation. As Jesus said (and I paraphrase), praying, fasting and worshipping publicly, in order to be seen and recognized, when we should be doing all of these things regardless, even alone in our own closets. Do we pray, read the scriptures, live well and worship faithfully out of the desire grow closer to God or out of the desire to be seen  by others as ‘righteous.’

I join Pastor Adam in saying that I too am a Hypocrite. We all fail to be completely Christian in some way or another. The person that I want to be is not the person that I am. The most devout of Christians fail in one way or another. We are human, and sinful by nature, but we can change. The first step is contrition – the state of feeling and showing sorrow and remorse for a sin or shortcoming. In that we become worthy of grace and move ever closer on the impossibly long road to sanctification.

You can watch the entire service live Sunday at 10:45AM and 5:00PM at http://live.cor.org or the sermon only anytime at www.cor.org. Of course visitors are welcome to attend in person as always.

What are your thoughts?

~ by ddub74 on 3 January 2009.

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