Out of Egypt – To Calvary

Watching the end of “The Ten Commandments” tonight I am reminded of the parallels between this epic and Jesus’ Passion. Moses faithfully led the Israelites to freedom… although not without a price. The Israelites were under the Old Covenant. They failed time after time to obey, to have faith, to follow without prejudice or condition. That was all that God wanted of them. He wanted a people who would love and worship him unconditionally. Repeatedly He tells them to walk in his ways, to follow his laws and be obedient servants.

When they were left at the shore of the Red Sea they doubted. They had no faith. God however delivered them miraculously across the dry sea bed. I find it remarkable that they could have witnessed and been part of such a grand exodus and so quickly turn away from God their savior.

Jesus offered you an opportunity to be free… just like the Israelites. It is in His Resurrection that our hope lives. He entered the city of Jerusalem to a Royal Welcome, yet in that same week, faith was overcome by doubt and certain denial. It was necessary for Our Lord to be crucified, so that our sins might be forgiven and we might have a second (or third, or fourth, or fifth, or more chances) to get it right. But beware, do not think that this offer will be available forever. We are mortal. We have these chances during the time that we live.

Take this chance right now. Pray this prayer and live in God’s favor:


Your works are mighty and wonderful. I do not deserve Your mercy and grace. I am blessed by Your patience and generous forgiveness. Lord, I need You in my heart. Fill me up that I will be found worthy of  Jesus’  act of salvation. Lord, I claim You as my God and Savior. Let me not veer from it for all of my days.

In Your Name I pray,


~ by ddub74 on 3 April 2010.

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